Digital Banter

The Rise of B2B Influencer Marketing | Brianna Doe

Andy Groller and James Kravic

n B2B land, influencer marketing is still a bit of a head-scratcher for most folks. Just like always, we're kinda slow to jump on the cool stuff we see happening in the D2C world. 

We come up with excuses like our sales cycles are longer, it's hard to measure, it doesn't vibe with our brand, or some other random resistance to change. But guess what? 

There are some B2B brands out there totally killing it by teaming up with influencers and making killer content that actually drives revenue.

This week, we've got Brianna Doe hanging out with us to spill the beans on how these B2B brands are making it big with influencers and how you can dip your toes into the game. Don't miss out!